Since Thursday's terrible typhoon - the worst we've had in ten years - much of our city has been shrouded in darkness. The power company people continue to work frenetically to repair the vast damage caused by toppled electric posts. In the meantime, throngs of familes are flocking to the hotels and malls to seek refuge from the cloying heat and mind-numbing boredom.
We are still fortunate. My husband (just call him MacGyver!) ingeniously found a way to tap into our apartment building's generator system so that, apart from having only the usual emergency lights on at our unit, we also have our electric fans, fridge, and computers working. We also have running water. My parents and brothers from across town are going crazy because they have no electricty and water.
Although we have had computer access, my blog has admittedly been neglected because my full attention has been stolen by our toddler who is suffering from withdrawal symptoms brought about by the sudden absence of airconditioning and the unfathomable disappearance of Sesame Street, Barney and Blues Clues DVD-viewing in his everyday life.
Imagine my surprise when, upon finally checking my blog this morning, I found that my Pregnant Pauses has been chosen Bestest Blog of the Day ! WOOHOO!

Bestest Blog of the Day: 09/29/2006
Pregnant Pauses
...by Julie from "Flip This Body"
Pregnant Pauses, by blogger Irene Tuazon, is a cornucopia of fun, sassiness and humor. A self-proclaimed, "Photographer's Muse / Loony Stage Mother", Irene blogs from The Phillipines with a voice that is fresh and extremely funny.
Irene's blog description states, "A pregnant pause is a momentary stillness laden with significance. It is rich, prolific, provocative, wow. It is a threshold for ideas and can translate into one to one thousand emotions. It welcomes imagination and brims with untold possibilities. Sometimes, it is even pinched with humor. Life's most unforgettable moments are highlighted by pregnant pauses. Now, I gladly share with you mine."
Wow is right. If the description hasn't already sucked you in, try her post on her run in with WWE Smackdown's Big Dave Bautista, or the pics of her baby being cooked alive!! But, on a dime, Irene will turn around and hit you with a sentimental photograph/ poignant quote combo that's heartfelt and true.
I really enjoy visiting Irene's site because you never know what she's going to do next. She keeps you guessing, in a really good way!
posted by Bobby Griffin @ 12:07 AM
Special thanks to Getting-Sexier-By-The-Day Julie and the marvelous Bobby Griffin for the rave review. And thank you so much to all of you for your amazing support. Love yah!
Truly, this is a blast of light and cheer amidst the deluge.
Now, please excuse me as I have to perform my gazillionth song and dance number to amuse my restless wild child.