I've spent the last frustrating hour or so struggling to get my hyper toddler into a costume so his Daddy can snap his annual Halloween photos.
Sadly, I wasn't successful.
Slipping my capricious child into a complete new ensemble is a gargantuan task in itself because my mighty mite has the physical strength of ten tots. (This is why I do not worry about him being kidnapped; he can kick, bite and pommel the hell out of any abductor.) After much yanking, howling and cajoling, I was at least able to achieve this Herculean feat.
However, keeping him ensconced in a strange outfit for more than 10 seconds is another impossibly death-defying stunt altogether. (Where was Big Dave Batista when I needed him to assist me with some wrestling pin-down tactics?) I tried presenting my bundle of hard-to-contain joy with a variety of colorful get-ups plucked from the vast closet of our studio, bribing him with toys, performing a song and dance number that would put the annoying Barney and his friends to shame, feeding him forbidden candy...anything to make him stay in his splendid livery a little longer. Nothing worked. He simply wasn't into it.
Sigh! I cannot help but wistfully reminisce and hark back to last year's Halloween when my docile angel serenely permitted me to encase him in different costumes and oh-so-obediently posed for the cameras.
Why oh why can't he be this way again?

At present, the loony stage mother is left with no resort but to give up the costuming battle and try again next time.
Hopefully, the reluctant model will be in a better mood and allow himself to remain dressed up for at least 5 minutes.
Otherwise, I'll be forced to take him trick-or-treating like this:

I absolutely love the lion costume. Does it come in adult?
Bloggerfriend Brian: He is, isn't he? :p
Thanks, dahling!
Lioness Kris: I'll find you the costume if you promise to post your picture wearing it. :p
Have a rip-ROARING fun Halloween!
Awwwww how sweet! I just love all the costumes! makes me want to reach out and hug him! Thank you for sharing this.
I hope you do not mind but I added your link to my page. :) Have a wonderfully blessed day!
Magical Mysti: I do not mind at all! I'm linking your lovely page to mine as well. So now we're bloggerfriends. Woohoo! c",)
He is cute! And I like the lion costume!
You must be a proud mom, definitely.
i like the pumpkin one. his expression is so cute!
WonderMom Janet: Thanks! The piglet is my favorite, too. c",)
Kyels: Thanks a lot! (",)
Manhi: I hear you, child! :p I'll check out your blog in a bit!
Annika Rose: As early as then, he already looked quite the mischievous imp! :p
What a little cutie! And those costumes are perfect. Aren't kids fun? Even when you are pulling your hair out with frustration they are still adorable.
Oh my, blackmail photos for his teen years. bawhaha
Jeannie: In my case, it is my son pulling MY hair out of frustration. But, as you very rightly said, little kids always find a way to stay so irresistibly cute in spite of it all! :p
Wench Christina: My gosh, you're right! Blackmail... why didn't I think of that? Thanks for the tip. :p
Again, Happy Birthday! Don't worry. I'm not mentioning your age here out of kindness....and fear. BWAHAHA!
I'm naked, alright? that's my costume. Gimme candy.
He is so cute. I bet he gets a lot of candy.
Thanks for visting me. btw, i've been here a few times already from princess shin.
At least put a diaper on. he might pee everywhere. LOL
Haha.. so cute..! =) bad mummy.. bring your lil boy trick a treating without any clothes on!!! haha.. he looks so adorable and angelic! even with the naked picture! tho he looks a bit mischievous!
“mummy is letting me not wear clothes! hurray! No more weird costumes! =)”
CrimsonKing: Sure. I'll be waiting for you on my doorstep. BwaHaHa! :p
The Wise Thinker: Last year, he got candy AND a commercial! He was hired to model for Kimberly Clark and his billboards and posters were splattered all over the country. But that was last year. Now, it's just too difficult to have him sit still and pose for the casters. Sigh! But the loony stage mother refuses to give up! c",)
Merapuman: He did pee on the studio floor after the shoot. My husband was aghast.
Pretty Princess Shin: HaHa! You're right. He was happiest posing in the buff! :p
I love the photos! :)
I have 4 kids, so it's always like Halloween!
Hi irene!!
Thanx for a visit to my blog.
and i like the kid a lot...he is so cute...but he doesnt seem to be that naughty..;)
Nice to have you visit my place!
What a precious child!
Hope you are feeling better!
Oh, what a darling cutie-pie!
Maybe he wants to go in the buff this year.
Anyhow, Irene you wrote this post superbly.
I so enjoyed the tickles.
Save that last picture...it'll be like gold for you when he's a teenager and starts misbehaving. I have my own little folder of blackmail pics for my own kids...
J Andrew: Wow! How do you get them ALL into their Halloween costumes year after year? :p
Oh, but it must be awesome having four kids - 4X the headache but also 4X the joy and laughter. Keep enjoying fatherhood!
Saira: Believe me, he can sometimes be a real menace. But most of the time, he is a real sweetheart. c",) Feel at home here, dahling!
Poetess Samuru: I'm a tad better now, thank you! I'll catch you again soon. c",)
Sweet Susan: Your comments never fail to brighten my day. Thanks, lovely! (",)
Irresistible Ian: You haven't seen the photos where I put my little baby boy in a blonde wig. Now those could serve as very powerful parental leverage someday! :p
Hey there..Thought I'd drop by your blog. Thanks for dropping into mine :) Am still wondering how you got there in the first place.
P/S: He's such a cutie
Awww , I see adorableness runs in ur family :)!!!!
Hi Irene,
Those costumes are the cutest!!
Thanks for dropping by me blog :) I actually looked at urs a while back I think from Lizzas Blog, cant remember if i dropped a comment or not :)
Anywho, I shall be stopping in regularly for a cup o tea and cookies :)
Adorable little fella Irene, The pictures are beautifully taken with seamless backdrops
Thanks for stopping by Irene.
Adorable little kid, and awesome costumes too.
I know its wrong but they looks so cute!
TrueBlue: I am always discovering new and interesting blogs from my friends' bloglinks. I'm glad I found yours. c",) Catch you again soon!
Silversabre: Woohoo! I am highly looking forward to your visits. I can never resist tea and cookies! :p
Rauf: Thank you! You are always welcome here. c",)
TerraShield: It's nice to hear from you again. Hope all's well on your end. (",)
ShadowFalcon: So, what are you wearing for Halloween? :p
He gives the same little impish looks that Aidan gives me when I'm snapping pics of him!
I think he likes "au naturel" as much as my baby boy does. LOL
BTW, I've added a link to you on my journal. :)
New Bloggerfriend Alicia: I'll link you to my site, too! Yipee!
Awww, He is so adorable. I love his facial expressions.
Exotic Princess: You should see him when he bats his eyelashes at people he likes. :p
Now those are some cute photos.
I don't know how your neighbors are, but I know mine wouldn't take too kindly to going trick-or-treating in his birthday suit!
But that would be a great costume, wouldn't it?
Great photos - reminds of my two youngest grandsons about that same age. Thanks for stopping by the 'patch'. ec
what a sweet little boy! and great costumes, too.
thanks for stopping by my blog. i've enjoyed my visit here. :)
Definitely a cute toddler. Loved your storytelling though I'm sure the events weren't fun at the time. But at least he has determination and life demands that at times. :)
That's hilarious. Although, be prepared for the wrath in "ump"teen years when he catches you showing these pictures to friends.
It could get ugly, just ask my mother...........
OMG!!! What cute pictures!! My son had that exact lion costume for his second Halloween!! That's a great one!!
We are currently in the costume nightmare as well. We had to choose something for our daughter that didn't have any sort of hat or a head piece because she won't leave it on. That really limits the choices!
Solace Cai: Haha! Nice to see you here. Have a Happy Halloween!
Mreddie: Hope you don't have as much of a trouble getting your grandsons in their costumes! Have a fun Halloween!
Polona: Thanks for stopping by! I'll catch you again soon!
Tim: Yes, he really is quite a fiesty and determined little creature. I cannot even begin to imagine how it will be when he's a teen-ager! Arrrrrgh! :p
Kiyotoe: Uh-oh. You're scaring me...
Neila: Good luck to us then! Looks like we will have incompletely costumed children with us these Halloween! :p
I would do the same if I become a millionaire or even more. There's no harm in dreaming anyway is there? It's for free and it's fun.
Thanks for coming.
Friday's Child: Thanks for the lovely message. Keep dreaming! c",)
Ahahahaaaa!!!! This entry made me laugh and coo so much!!! I can just picture you doing your showbiz antics and Niccolo giving you his dead serious looks with those adorable eyebrows!!! I just wish someone had taken a video of both of you! Ahahahaaaaa!!! You just made my day, Irene!
Culminologist (HAHA!) Pam: It wasn't so adorable to Allan. He says I should just stop inflicting torture on our poor child by forcing him into those ridiculous outfits. But really now, how can we have Halloween without Niccolo in a cute costume? Isn't that what babies are for? HAHA! You have to side with me...you're my friend. HAHA! :p
my daughter is going through this phase in the begining of winter no less *slaps hand on head*...course she loves to dress up so costums shouldn't be a problem for at least the first three min LOL.. your little one is adorable!!!
Wolfbaby: I am getting more nervous as Halloween approaches. I really hope my son will allow himself to be slipped into a costume for cuteness sake! :p
I wish you all the luck with your own costuming challenge! Let me know how it turns out. c",)
Penny: Looks like we're on the same (sinking) boat and losing the war of the costumes. HAHA! Let's just hope our kids have a fun Halloween - costume or no costume! :p
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