My new cyberfriend and fellow mommy Neila hit me with this Halloween meme created by the fabulously inventive Morgen.
1. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
"The Exorcism of Emily Rose"

What can be freakier than Satan seizing control of your soul?
And what makes watching this film even more terrifying is knowing that it is based on a true story. Shudders!!!
2. What was your favorite Halloween Costume from childhood?

Crazy Cowgirl
Rocker Chick

This year, I'm much more concerned with finding a costume for my toddler that he can bear to wear for more than 3 minutes. Ah, the pressure!
3. If you had an unlimited budget, what would your Fantasy Costume be for this Halloween?
I want to be....Wonder Woman!

My budget would have to be unlimited because to look sensational in such a super skimpy outfit, I would first have to get my entire body liposuctioned the hell out of it.
4. When was the last time you went Trick Or Treating?
I don’t remember. I just attend Halloween parties and get rip-roaring drunk.
This year is the first time I’m going to do it with my son. Woohoo!
5. What's your favorite Halloween Candy?
Tell me you have Reese’s Pieces and I'll be trick-or-treating at your doorstep in no time. Yum!!!
6. Tell us about a scary nightmare you had.
The other night I dreamt I was being scalped alive. It felt horribly painful; my entire skull was burning so. I wanted to howl out loud but couldn’t. I felt real tears of agony falling down my face. When I woke up, I found out that I was REALLY being scalped….by my mischievous eighteen-month old son who was making a game out of ferociously plucking clumps of hair from my head! OUCH!!!
So don’t you laugh if we bump into each other and you see little bald spots on me now.
7. What is your Supernatural Fear?
Definitely, the Devil. Dante's Inferno paints a very vivid picture of hell and I most certainly do not want to end up there.
8. What is your Creepy-Crawlie Fear?
Throw me a snake anytime! My fear is not of the creepy-crawlie sort, but more of the freakish-feathered type. I have always harbored an inexplicable dread of any kind of bird. I have this awful fear that one of them will peck and claw me to death. Just thinking of this is making me cringe in terror so I’ll stop right now.
9. Tell us about a time when you saw a ghost, or heard something go Bump in the night.
I have neither seen nor heard a ghost. I don't think I need to. I know some real people who are frightening enough.
10. Would you ever stay in a real Haunted House overnight?
Out of a morbid sense of curiosity, I might agree to stay the night in a haunted house. But not alone. I would have to be with my husband who is very brave. I feel I can face anything if I am with my husband. Awwwwww.
11. Are you a traditionalist (just a face) Jack O'Lantern Carver, or do you get really creative with your pumpkins?
The Philippines is not big on carving pumpkins. We just buy fake ones to put on display. Or better yet, we dress our children up as pumpkins. Like so:
12. How much do you decorate your home for Halloween?
There’s presently not much room for creativity at our cramped apartment unit. When we’ve finally built our dream house, then I’ll definitely go all-out with the Halloween decors. Oooh, I can’t wait!
13. What do you want on your Tombstone?
“Here lies a loony wife and mother who laughed and loved like no other.”
Now it’s time to tag my bloggerfriends! Princess Shin, Michael C, Wench Christina, Gigi, Bearette and the Winged Acrophobic - you’re it!
Happy Halloween!!!
that reese's picture is yummy! i'll have to think of my answers :)
Great Halloween post. I particularly liked when you posted pictures of your past Halloween costumes. :)
Not real into Halloween movies though for myself.
Bearette - Can't wait to see what you come up with! c",)
Tim - Thanks a lot! I am not so much into horror movies myself. When I am coerced into viewing one, I spend half the time with my eyes closed and the other half screaming. My husband thus enjoys watching me more than the movie. :p
thank you.
come back anytime.
hee. i used to watch horror movies a lot when i was in junior high. now i can't watch them!
i liked the pictures, too. unfortunately i don't have any pix...but i will describe! i think it will be either my strawberry shortcake or garfield costume. my mom was a good costume maker.
i added you to my links but i called your blog "irene's blog" because i'm a little scared of pregnancy ;) maybe in a year, though :)
Irene...You are so wacky. I love it. Your pictures are adorably you. No real pumpkins in the Philippines for Halloween? They scare me anyway. Seriously. I can't stand them (the carved ones, not the ones in pumpkin pie). lol Anyway.....I will add this to meme central. Another great meme. I'm so addicted to memes now.
Dustin - Catch you again soon!
Bearette - You're so lucky your Mommy made you great costumes! I think the reason I enjoy playing dress up as an adult is because I was deprived as a child. HAHA!
Thanks for blogrolling me! I'll do the same for you. Why does pregnancy scare you, dahling? Oh yeah, probably because it IS scary! HAHA! c",)
Mimi - Thanks for adding my post to your blog central. I'm tickled pink! You really are the undisputed Meme Queen now! c',)
that was awesome! I enjoyed every part of it. That looks like a scary movie and I don't ever want to watch that. Halloween could be scary too. I remember a boy snatching the candy bag out of my hands when I was in high school.
For me, Halloween is the least stressful and the most consistently fun holiday. No gifts, no greeting cards, no expectations, just friends and fun.
Nice Post...I too, don't like to watch scarry movies anymore...altho when i was younger I loved them!!! I love Halloween tho...Cute baby pic!!! is it yours???? awwwww
hehe...exactly ;) i'd like to have a kid someday though.
Hahaha! Wonderful pictures Irene. I don't usually watch scary films too--whether local or foreign. My own screaming annoys even me. :-)
Great answers and thanks for the doesn't hurt too much ;-)
I'll try and post mine tomorrow morning.
"bwahahah"!! my favorite is the hot-pink wig one. you're so cute, irene! and so is your boy.
Awwwww maaaaannn..... I was having a good laugh at the pictures. Then I found that I've been tagged. Let's see what we can do.
Favourite picture is of the cute little pumpkin!
Hi Irene,
Your blog is H-O-T! And funny too :)
Can I link you up, if you don't mind?
Jon - Thanks! I'll catch you again. I want to see more of your dinosaurs! c",)
Exotic Princess - Someone stole your candy??? Waaah! That lousy thief should end up in Inferno. Haha! :p
Slaghammer - You got it! Halloween can be great fun! But I still stress because of the costumes. Sigh! c",)
Odat - Yes, that's my baby pumpkin! He was 6 months old when that photo was taken. Now, at 18 months, it would be a miracle if I get him to wear something like that again! :p
Bearette - Oh, you should. Think what great fun it would be to have your own cute baby pumpkin! c",)
Lovely Lizza - I can't imagine you screaming. you look so serene. HAHA! :p
Michael - Oh, so you're playing! Woohoo! Can't wait to see what you come up with. c,)
Phaedrus - I wore that fiery wig for a Halloween party two years ago. Jennifer Garner's TV show "Alias" was all the rage then. I remember wanting so badly to imbibe some alcohol, but I couldn't because I was pregnant. Ahh, the sacrifices a mother must make! c",)
Winged Acrophobic - That cute pumpkin is mine! c",) Go do your list so I can check it out!
Jase - Anyone who calls my blog (or me) H-O-T is more than welcome to link me up! Bwahaha! :p I'll do the same for you, dahling! c",)
Hey... thanks for tagging me! mY first tag! hehe.. but i dun celebrate Haloween over in Malaysia.. boohoo.. nvm.. i'll try to come up with something!
Ur boy is so very cute.. poor him tho... have to let his mum dress him like tat.. maybe he'll prefer being superman? haha..
How past were those pictures? U look nice! ^.^
Thanks! take care! =)
Princess Shih - You really don't celebrate Halloween??? Uh-oh! If you have difficulty with this one, you can do the Tomb Tunes Tag instead! It's more morbid, but it's also fun! :p
Princess ShiN! >.< u spell my name wrongly.. haha.. thanks anyway..
Why haven't you visited me??? I have a surprise to tell you!
Thanks for dropping a comment on my site!
Whoa, how do you get such studio-quality pictures?
P.S. Black Sabbath (after) forever yeaaah.
Liz - Thanks! Feel at home here! c",)
Princes SHIN - Omigosh! I really HAVE been getting your name wrong! LOL! I already corrected it in my post. Sorry about that! HEHE! :p
Julie - You bride-to-be you! Congratulations again! One more time...WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!
Albert - The pictures I post should be of studio quality because my husband and I own a commercial photography studio. LOL! Thanks for visiting. Hope to catch you again soon! Rock on! c",)
Great post. (By the way, thank you so much for not tagging me).
I enjoyed reading your blog very much. Thanks for taking the time to keep it going.
Alaskan Glacier Cruise
Dang! you are a pretty woman!
Great answers!
I love the pics of you in costume!
And of the little one as a punkin'
keep on bloggin'
The Thinker - Oh, you'll get your turn soon. You can count on it! :p
Shane - How sweet of you to leave a message. Thanks! Visit again soon! c",)
Ces - I'm blushing to death. Thanks so much, dahling!
Morgen - Thank YOU for coming up with all these fun memes! You're the best!
Hi ate Irene! I loved the post about halloween! it got me all cheerful but it made me wonder i haven't had a real halloween since i left Manila (tear). However, i'll get to experience an american halloween. that'll be fun! Miss you loads!!
ps...i hate birds too!!! my bf makes fun of me about it! hahaha
Excellent pics...I love the wig shot the best!
Thanks for visiting me.
I love your Halloween pics. But they look like they are all from the same year. Are you one of those people who trick or treats down a whole block, changes costume and trick or treats the whole block again? :)
You are very photogenic! Loved the costumes.
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Great pictures!
Pampkin Baby is so beateful!.
Best wishes!
Sweet Carmela - Oooh, you have to send us photos of your first American Halloween! Please don't tell me you'll be costumed as a cowgirl...that's normal dressing where you are now. HAHAHA! We miss you and love you, cuz! c",)
Verniciousknids - I'm still wondering when I'm ever going to get to wear that fabulous wig again! :p
Parlancheq - Those photos were taken at different years for different Halloween parties. My most recent get-up was the one with the flaming wig which I wore when I was pregnant to take attention away from my bulging tummy! It worked. Haha!
JR - Thanks a lot! You're too sweet. :p
I Hate Homework & Buxexinha - Thanks for visiting! c",)
Krystyna - Glad you liked the pictures. Thanks! Catch you again soon! c",)
I like the facial expression in your miss congeniality picture. I even feel your joy of winning the crown.
Irene. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Appreciate the nice comments.
I like your blog and i saw your Halloween pictures. They are good. :) See you around.
I was too scared to watch Emily Rose. Hell no I don;t like an exorcism. :)
The Body Talk - BWAHAHAHA! :p
Ari4u- Thanks a lot! Catch you again! c",)
CSMC - I was forced to watch Emily Rose by my husband and brothers who get a morbid kick out of seeing me scream. And boy, did I scream. :p
I so Would love to do the Alias costume, it totally rocks and you manage to pull it off :-)
Trick or Treat Irene! Halloween is my birthday, BOO! lol, forgive me, the spirit just grabs me sometimes, lol! Happy October everyone!
BTW, You look great in all the costumes!
Manhi - You'll get the hang of blogging in no time! Before long, you'll be addicted like the rest of us! HAHA! :p
Shadowfalcon - Thanks! It took me ages to find that crazy wig. I had to scour five different malls all over town before finally uncovering it! How about you? What will you wear this Halloween? c",)
Jim - Promise me you'll take advantage of the coming auspicious occasion by throwing a grand masquerade Birthday-Halloween ball! Oooh, how fun! Advanced Happy Birthday! :p
You are lovely anyway, but with that red wig...well, YOWZA!
Cristopher - I'll take YOWZA as a compliment. HAHA! Thanks for visiting. I'll be seeing you again, sweetie! c",)
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