And because she wants more people to get in on the fabulousness of fungi, Laura came up with a uniquely interesting blog called Name That Mushroom! She posts photos of different kinds of fungi, sprinkles subtle hints here and leaves you guessing as to their names. If you do your research well and offer the correct name, you get brownie points and a review of your blog from Laura.
It's a really cool challenge that is sure to bring out the inner nerd in you. It took some patience and resourcefulness but I finally got one right after several guesses. I hit the jackpot with this one:
Lycoperdon Pyriforme or Stump Puffballs
And my bit of good work got me this nicely written wonderful review for Pregnant Pauses by lovely Laura:
Sunday, October 15, 2006
BLOG REVIEW Pregnant Pauses Take a moment, a longer moment than you would, should you be flicking through the many blogs for something obviously tantalising. What you get is a special invitation to something very sincere and articulate. Appreciate this intimacy, this window on the human condition. In Irene's words,
" this cynical, madly chaotic world of ours, there still dwells amongs us many firm believers in the undying power of true love."
Irene has got into the 'tagging' thing and much insight can be gained from an exercise of this sort. While I share her enthusiasm for The Sound of Music, I do not with As Good as it Gets, surely bizarrely uncomic and uncomfortable viewing. She spends some time being an ambassador for the Phillipines and has acted as inside correspondent regarding wild weather events and blackouts.
What Irene fails to understand is that the outfit does not make Wonder Woman. As tourist rep, mother, wife and by opening up as to what's in her heart she is Wonder Woman already. Visit Pregnant Pauses.
Posted by Laura at 5:40 PM
So what are you waiting for?
Get mushroomed now!
congratulations: Stump Puffballs! (or did you guess it in Latin??)
Thanks for visiting me - I loved the pictures of you and your family below. Your little boy is divine! (and you big boy's not bad either!!)
Bec of the Ladies Lounge: But of course I guessed it in Latin! HAHAHA! :p
Thanks so much for dropping by. I'll be sure to catch you again soon, dahling! You know I adore your blog! c",)
Interesting! I liked As Good as It Gets.
You deserve all the praises you're getting, Iridescent One!
*slaps a high five*
hi Irene!
nice blog :)
i love it :p
hope to visit here around often!
hey irene those were some very nice and VERY true things she said about you. i'm always happy when i come to this blog, and when i read your wonderful words.
That's a really cool review she wrote! Yay for Sexy Irene!
Oh, I BET you know all about the 'shrooms...heh heh...
The pleasure is all mine! I have a problem, though. The inner nerd is very much out and enjoying it. Do I have to put it away? Is a blog not the perfect playground for everyone's innermost sincerest fascinations? I actually don't know lots about mushrooms but you are joining me in the discovery. You are privileged and welcome. x
I know laura's blog is really cool. But your blog is even cooler. :-)
Love your blog! Thanks for visiting mine. Blog ya soon :)
Bearette: Try it then. Name a mushroom! It's a strangely fascinating endeavor. :p
Lizza: Thanks, Lovely!
*slaps high five back*
Osman: Feel at home here. I'll be looking forward to your visits. c",)
Rainy Phaedrus: Awwwww. Thanks so much for the sweet message, dahling!
Laura: I envy your being a proud nerd. I still have to work up the nerve to get out of the closet. Publicly admitting to naming mushrooms could be one big stride in that direction though! :p
The Body Talk: Thanks! Your blog's pretty cool, too! (",)
Jeannie: Great! Catch you again soon then! c",)
You do have a beutiful blog. I luved that post about friendship on fire.
How's your baby boy? Sorry to hear he was sick! I hope he's much better now.
As for your question, my sister is the photographer in my family. She's going to school for it so she's not a pro yet, but she's pretty good. Her camera is a Canon EOS 350D Digital.
I love mushrooms! I've tried growing my own but it isn't quite as easy as they led me to believe (or maybe that's just because it was me).
Hi Irene,
I love mushrooms, so I will have to check this blog out.
Brian: I linked you up, too. Wooohoo! I have a new bloggerfriend! c",)
Annika Rose: My baby boy is fast on the mend. Thank you!
Your sister is highly talented! She'll have a bright future ahead in photography. c",)
Scribbit: If you can't grow them, just name them. HAHA! :p
Mysti: Great! Let me know how you do. (",)
Wonderfu news, Irene & happy for you.
"Inner nerd?" Now, that made me grin.
That is a truly great review. Congrats!!
Sweet Susan: That's me...overflowing with inner nerdiness. I am admittedly embarrassed to just let it loose, lest it take over my entire aura of cool. BWAHAHA! :P
Michael: Awwwww. Thanks! c",)
I found my way here from Annika's blog. Your little one is adorable! I look forward to visiting again.
Mushrooms scare me.
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