This time, I’ve been tagged by Queen Mimi herself.
No, I am not saying that Mimi is weird.
What I am saying is that this meme is weird.
There are no questions to answer. I have been handed the curious task of simply listing nine weird things about myself and then tagging nine others to do the same.
Of course, the challenge now for me lies in choosing 9 out of the 999 or more oddities I possess!
1. Say where?!?

I have absolutely no sense of direction. Maps, compasses, street signs are just a bunch of jumbled, garbled, Greek symbols to me. My driver’s license is useless because even if I know how to drive, I have no idea how to get to where I’m going. If I joined The Amazing Race, I would not make it past the first pit stop. Heck, I wouldn’t even know how to get to it! I don’t need to watch the TV show Lost because I AM LOST ENOUGH.
Click on this to get a clearer picture of just how lost I am.
2. OUCH...I did it again!

I am a major clutz. I fall and bump into and over anything and everything. Black and blues dotting my body are nothing new since I always hit furniture corners, jutting doorknobs, and such.
When I was a teen-ager, I stumbled and slid down the fifteen hard steps of a wooden staircase as I rushed down to get a phone call from a boy I liked. When I got to the phone, I pretended nothing was wrong even if tears of pain were already streaming down my eyes!
Heels to me are an emergency waiting to happen; I still wear them anyway.
3. Shy Girl

I am shy.
But nobody believes me when I say so.
You know, I really am.
I just make a supreme effort to overcome it.
Wipe that incredulous look off your face.
And stop laughing! :p
4. The Eye Knows
I have an inborn talent for spotting the most gorgeous man in a sea of a thousand males from a hundred miles away.
I am only mildly exaggerating.
And I am only mildy using this meme as an excuse to post another hot picture of Reynaldo Gianecchini.
5. Bedimpled Babe

I have more than seven dimples on my face. These visible indentations are supposed to be aberrations. Fortunately, such abnormalities are considered by most to be kind of cute.
They say it is now possible to have one or both cheeks surgically modified to create a dimple. This operation can cost around $500 per cheek.
So now I know I have about $3,500 worth of weird holes on my face. Woohoo!
6. Crossword Crazed

I solve crosswords to de-stress and calm my mind. I always have sheafs of unanswered puzzles stashed and ready for this purpose. When I am in crossword thinking mode, I automatically zone out. Do not disturb me!
7. Secret Dork

I am a closet nerd. I actually liked school.
I always did my homework and I was never tardy or absent. I ended up giving the valedictory address in high school and I graduated Magna Cum Laude from college. I got a scholarship for my Master’s in Business Management Degree, which I completed with Distinction.
But I also partied a lot and generously let my classmates copy from me so nobody would think I was a complete dork!
I think it worked.
8. Flawless Writer

I am absolutely anal when it comes to writing letters and cards. If I inadvertently make a mistake, I cannot bring myself to cross out a word. I have to throw away the paper I am writing on and start anew on a clean page. It has to be perfect.
9. Gal Smiley
I smile too much. Miss Congeniality is my vibe. It makes me appear more approachable than I would like to seem. Complete strangers don’t think twice about talking to me. Strange men don't hesitate to chat me up, even when my husband is around. People expect me to be forever nice and sweet and accommodating.
Sometimes, I want to just scowl and growl and pout and be left alone.
But somehow, I just can’t. My mouth is too used to turning upward!
That's my 9 out of 999. Now it's your turn, my chosen blogbuddies:
1. Macoosh
2. Blondie
3. Cathy
4. Jase
5. Justin
6. CrimsonKing
7. Manhi
8. WolfBaby
9. AngelDust
Tell me just how weird you are! :p