Thank you for the beautiful bouquet of red roses, my honey! I feel like the luckiest woman in the world for having you in my life.
From that fateful moment we met many moons ago, I have amassed wonderful memories of Valentine's Day celebrations happily spent together. Whenever I think it can't get any better, you always do something to surprise me and prove me wrong.
You have an endearing way of keeping the romance burning.
My heart feels so ever content.
My gratitude is boundless.
You are my saving grace and I love you endlessly.
Awww. You and Allan are the sweetest couple! Yes, even sweeter than John & Marsha. : )
Please naman. Enough of these John & Marsha comparisons. Can't you upgrade us to the likes of Brangelina? Hahaha! Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day, Pammy! ;p
mypregnantpauses.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.
Really? Would I love to know how I saved your day! =)
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