May 17, 2017

Hair Maintenance

Real beauty comes from inside.... inside the beauty salon! 

Thank you to Carl of Hairshaft! Have a happy hair day! 

May 14, 2017

The Best Hood of All

It can be unpredictably crazy, incredibly daunting, and downright scary. It can make you question yourself and ponder the ridiculousness of all your decisions. It can make you sob desperately, sigh with worry, scream in fury, and pull your hair out in frustration.

But still, you know in your heart of hearts that it is a job you will not give up for anything else in the world. You'll keep at it and try harder. You'll take whatever is thrown at you and bounce back up with more determination to get it right. You'll forget yourself and love another with your entire body, heart, and soul. As if your life depended on it. Because in a way, it does. And that life depends on you, too. 

You'll feel the need and unhesitatingly, you'll feed it and fill it with all you've got. 

And then comes the reward. Oh, the reward! The unparalleled satisfaction, the immense joy, the  unparalleled high. An unexpected kiss, a bear hug, a silly smile, a grateful look in the eye ... any tiny gesture of appreciation and everything is worth it. Everything.  One good day out of a hundred embeds in the memory and keeps hope and happiness afloat. 

Truly, there ain't no hood like motherhood.

Happy Mother's Day!!! Spread the love! 💖

May 10, 2017

Pillow Talk

Never underestimate the power of pillow talk.

I've been married to my husband for 16 years. Prior to our wedding, we went out for almost eight years. One thing that has helped keep our relationship intact is communication. We talk about anything and everything under the sun, the moon, and the stars.  And more often than not, we do this right at the comfort of our bed just before nodding off to sleep.

At times, we discuss big things - our still unfulfilled dreams, significant plans for the future and our family, ideas for the improvement of our business, and other profundities that may or may not turn out to be life-altering.

But more often, we simply chat about the most mundane trivialities. We discuss encounters we've had during the course of our day... a client's improbable demand, a friend's hilarious Facebook post, a mischievous prank pulled by our son, a cool show discovered on Netflix, a hyped-up restaurant that fell below expectation. Nothing is off topic - politics, showbiz, sports, work, religion, the weather. We just go on, taking turns speaking and listening. His new haircut, my blue nail polish, his motorcycle trek, my shopping adventure, his aching shoulders, my tired feet.  We rave, we rant, we argue, we listen, we laugh, we sigh, we ramble, we smile. We pray. We dream.

The result is cathartic. We find that being able to let things, big or small, off our chests brings about lulling comfort and a soothing lightness of being. A fitful sleep is the reward. Usually, it is only upon waking up the next day that we realize we dozed off mid-conversation. 

I read somewhere that relationships are harder these days because conversations become texting, arguments become phone calls, and feelings become status updates. Don't allow yourself to get sucked into that walled and filtered mire. 

Log off, lay down, grab a pillow and start talking.